Artist-in-Residence Program
IDA has been lucky enough to host a large number of painters, musicians, sculptors, writers, film-makers, performers, and other artists over the years. The Artist-in-Residence Program will continue this tradition by hosting three queer artists of color annually. The selected artists will have access to a bedroom, a studio space, and all shared communal spaces on the land project. Artists can pursue any creative project and are not expected to complete or exhibit their work. We look forward to providing artists with space and time as we value the process of making (spiritually, physically, and emotionally) over the tangible or commercial product. Those with an interest in social engagement, agriculture, forestry, social justice practices, food sustainability, experimental or recycled art are encouraged to apply. This program’s spirit is rooted in DIY methods and practices and is not supported or sponsored by larger institutions.
We are only able to host one artist at a time and cannot accept couples, collaborators or children due to COVID-19 and space restrictions.
There are no fees for attending or applying to this program. Artists are responsible for their own transportation, meals and travel expenses.

El Lee
el李 is a Cantonese trans woman, painter and writer based in Oakland, CA. Her work looks at post-modern presentations of ritual and desire as a temporal de-familiarization with colonial space, through historically charged ink-on-paper and oil-on-canvas. el李 earned her B.A. in Studio Art from the University of California, Berkeley, where she received a Department Citation in New Genres, and studied briefly at Chinese University in Hong Kong. She also received a B.A. in Comparative Ethnic Studies from the University of California, Berkeley, where she focused her studies on socially-engaged art practices informed by her work as a YBCA Creative Dissent fellow. She is a dedicated member of the Oakland queer DIY arts community, has exhibited numerously at DIY and small press venues, and has had writing and paintings featured in a number of small-press magazines. Her most recent collaborative film project 我的女儿 DAUGHTER was premiered at the Los Angeles Asian and Asian American Film Festival and is being distributed by the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre. 我的女儿 DAUGHTER focuses on the relationship between el李 and her mother, a Cantonese immigrant. el李 is also a certified and currently practicing doula and herbalist who works across community platforms towards intra-group sustainability.